This bicycle route (Houston to Threet or Collinwood - part on the Parkway and part on a detour) is one day of several different Natchez Trace Parkway 442 Mile, South to North (Natchez to Nashville) Itinerary Routes.

August 16, 2023:
A 17.7-mile-long section of the Natchez Trace Parkway south of Tupelo, MS closed for road rehabilitation and paving between milepost 239.2 (intersection with MS Hwy 32) and milepost 256.9 (intersection with MS 6/US 278).

Update on December 14, 2023:
The closed section of Natchez Trace Parkway, from milepost 239.2 to milepost 256.9, has reopened to traffic.

  • Travelers should expect single-lane closures into the Summer of 2024.
    Work continues to add an additional layer of asphalt, add permanent striping, and grade the shoulder.
  • If you are biking WITH a support vehicle, you might consider driving these 17.7 miles (especially if there is a long stretch of single-lane traffic).
    Hopefully, only 2 miles or less of the 17.7 miles will be single-lane traffic at a time.
  • If you are biking WITHOUT a support vehicle, you could consider obtaining a ride thru this area. Check with the Tupelo Cycling club: Tupelo Cycling Facebook page - post your request (date, approximate time, pick-up location, drop-off location, number of cyclists, number of bikes) on their Facebook page. Best to make your request several days before your arrival in the area.
  • When cycling always wear brightly colored clothing and have both front and rear flashing lights on your bicycle.

Click Here for the Houston to Threet or Collinwood Bike Route Without a Detour!

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