Books about the Natchez Trace Parkway
Want to learn more about the Natchez Trace Parkway? Its history? The people who lived near the route of the Old Natchez Road? Need a guidebook for traveling the Natchez Trace? Need a guidebook for biking the Natchez Trace? Want to get your children excited about taking a trip on the Natchez Trace? recommends each of the following books about the Natchez Trace. We have read each one cover to cover. Click on each of the links below for info about each book and a link to to purchase the book.
- Nashville to New Orleans Road Trip: Hit the Road for the Best Southern Food and Music Along the Natchez Trace
- Guide to the Natchez Trace Parkway
- Fighting Devil's Backbone series:
- Hidden History of Natchez
- Hardened to Hickory: The Missing Chapter in Andrew Jackson's Life
- Walking with Jesus on the Natchez Trace
- An Afterlife Journey of Meriwether Lewis
- The Haunted Natchez Trace
- The Barber of Natchez
- If The Legends Fade
- Gotta Go! Cycling Vacations in Fantastic Locations
- Natchez Trace: Tracks in Time
- Not Without My Father
- The Devil's Backbone
- Pilgrimage: A Tale of Old Natchez
- Building the Natchez Trace Parkway
- The Natchez Trace - A Pictorial History
- Natchez Adventure - Footsteps on the Trace
- The Death of Meriwether Lewis