High Forest Guesthouse is located in downtown Hohenwald.

If traveling north on the Natchez Trace, exit the parkway at the Meriwether Lewis/Hwy 20 exit (milepost 385.9) and travel west 6.5 miles to Hohenwald.

If traveling south on the Natchez Trace, exit the parkway at the US 412 exit (milepost 391) and travel west 8.7 miles to Hohenwald.

For a printable map and directions (including recommended bicycle route) from the Natchez Trace to High Forest Guesthouse - click here.

Below is an interactive map with High Forest Guesthouse location in the middle of the map (purple marker with white bed).

Contact High Forest Guesthouse

High Forest Guesthouse
103 S Park Street
Hohenwald, Tennessee 38462 (click to view a map)

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