JJ's Restaurant - Cherokee, Alabama

JJ's Restaurant is located in Cherokee, Alabama only 2 and a half miles east of the Natchez Trace Parkway on US 72.

The country diner serves breakfast, lunch and dinner six days a week.

Restaurant Hours:

Monday thru Thursday: 5am - 8pm
Friday and Saturday: 5am - 9pm
Sunday: closed

Note to bicyclists: US 72 has a very wide shoulder from the parkway to Cherokee.

Contact JJ's Restaurant

  • Phone - 256.359.4080
JJ's Restaurant
8225 U.S. 72
Cherokee, Alabama (click to view a map)

From the Natchez Trace - exit the Trace onto US 72 (mp 320.3) - go east 2.5 miles to 8225 U.S. 72, Cherokee, AL.

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