Jeff Busby Park is located on the Natchez Trace Parkway at milepost 193.1.

Hiking Trail .8 mile Little Mountain Trail and a half mile nature loop trail
Picnic Area 22 picnic tables, 13 grills
Top 30 Natchez Trace Favorite Site Scenic Overlook Restrooms
Jeff Busby Park - Natchez Trace Parkway
Jeff Busby Park Mississippi

Photo Credit: Bobby Mims
Fall Foliage photo taken on November 3, 2012.
Scroll down the page to view more Jeff Busby Park pictures!

This Natchez Trace site is named after U.S. Congressman Thomas Jefferson Busby who in 1934 introduced a bill authorizing a survey of the Old Natchez Trace (scroll down the page for more history).

Jeff Busby Park includes an 18-site campground, picnic tables, restrooms, trails, exhibits and an overlook atop Little Mountain (one of the highest elevations in Mississippi).

Little Mountain Trail is .8 miles long for a round trip total of 1.6 miles. Near the top of the mountain is a half mile-long nature loop trail.

Jeff Busby Park - Natchez Trace Parkway
Jeff Busby Park Merchandise
T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Stickers, Mugs and Water Bottles

Jeff Busby map

On February 15, 1934, while serving as U.S. Congressman from Mississippi, Thomas Jefferson Busby (1884-1964) introduced a bill authorizing a survey of the Old Natchez Trace. Four years later, the historic road was designated a unit of the National Park System. This area is named in Jeff Busby's honor to commemorate his part in the Parkway's establishment.

Little Mountain - on a clear day from here atop Little Mountain you can see about 20 miles. The ridges and valleys are part of a geological land form called the Wilcox series that extends northeast into Alabama. Some 50 million years ago the Wilcox existed as layers of sand and mud. Pressure of overlying sediments and early upheavals have resulted in those layers being tilted and converted into sandstone and shale. More resistant to erosion than the shale, the sandstone portions are the present day ridges.

A one half mile long loop nature trail descends into a shady hollow. You can easily complete the loop in 30 minutes. However, the more time you allow the more you will see and hear. Walk gently and give the forest residents a chance to welcome you into their home. A one half mile long side trail from the loop leads to the campground.

Jeff Busby Park Photo Gallery
More info about Jeff Busby Park and similar sites.
  • Approximate time to explore site: 15-45 minutes
  • Click for a Location Map
  • Latitude: 33.41705
    Longitude: -89.269833
    Elevation (approximate): 397 (584 top of Little Mountain) feet
    Milepost: 193.1
  • Short, easy to remember URL for Jeff Busby Park
  • Merchandise (coffee mugs, stickers, T Shirts...) for Jeff Busby Park
    click here
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