Tupelo, Mississippi
Elvis Presley Birthplace - Tupelo, Mississippi
Elvis Presley Birthplace Tupelo, Mississippi

Photo Credit: Larry Braun
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Elvis Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi. Tour the home where the King of Rock & Roll began his musical journey to fame.

The two-room house where Elvis was born on January 8, 1935 is seen by over 50,000 visitors each year.

Tupelo bought the house and 15 acres with money provided from a 1957 Tupelo concert performed by Elvis, who wanted to raise money for a park for neighborhood children. As an official Mississippi landmark, the birthplace of Elvis is part of the Elvis Presley Park.

Visitor Hours:
Monday thru Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 
Sunday: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Closed Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day

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Contact Elvis Presley Birthplace

Elvis Presley Birthplace
306 Elvis Presley Dr.
Tupelo, Mississippi 38801 (click to view a map)

From the Natchez Trace - exit the parkway at milepost 259.7 onto Mississippi Highway 6 (Main Street in Tupelo) and travel east a couple of miles through town. After you cross US 45 turn left onto Elvis Presley Drive.

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