Downtown Vicksburg

Overlooking the Yahoo Diversion Canal, Downtown Vicksburg is home to many of the city’s oldest and most viable businesses: including a variety of retail shops, restaurants, museums, art galleries, antique shops, service businesses and attractions. Cafes and restaurants offer a variety of dining options.

Vicksburg National Military Park

The Vicksburg National Military Park commemorates the campaign, siege, and defense of Vicksburg, Mississippi. The city’s surrender on July 4, 1863, coupled with the fall of Port Hudson, LA, split the South, giving undisputed control of the Mississippi River to the North.

Over 1,330 monuments, a restored Union gunboat, and National Cemetery where 17,000 Union solders are buried mark the 16-mile tour road.

Open daily, except Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year's Day

Old Courthouse Museum

The Old Court House, built in 1858, stands today as Vicksburg’s most historic structure. Among the many items you will find on display at the museum are: confederate flags, the tie worn by Jefferson Davis at his inauguration as Confederate President, fine portraits, china and silver, exquisite antique furniture, the trophy antlers won by the steamboat Robert E Lee in an 1870 race, antebellum clothing, toys, Indian and pioneer implements, and an original Teddy Bear given to a local child by Theodore Roosevelt.

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