Amber Falls Winery and Cellars produces some of the region's best premier wine made from their own grapes as well as grapes from the winegrape regions of the world. The winery is hidden in the beautiful rolling hills of Middle Tennessee about four miles from the Natchez Trace Parkway.
Experience the beauty of the property and the tasting room located in the cellar of the winery.
Amber Falls also hosts several music events throughout the year including their Music on the Ridge series..
Monday - Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sunday: 12:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Contact Amber Falls Winery and Cellars
- Owners - Tim and Judy Zaunbrecher
- Phone - 931.285.0088
- Website - www.amberfallswinery.com
794 Ridgetop Road
Hampshire, Tennessee 38461 (click to view a map)
From the Natchez Trace - exit at US 412 (milepost 391). Turn right and travel east 2 miles to Ridgetop Road. Follow the signs to Amber Falls about 2 miles up the ridge.
Tell Tim and Judy you found Amber Falls on NatchezTraceTravel.com!