Information for cyclists bicycling from the Natchez Trace to The Porter House at Raymond - Raymond, MS.
Bicyclists can easily bike to The Porter House from the Natchez Trace Parkway (3 miles from milepost 79).
More Info:
Bicycle Amenities | Map and Bicycle Directions | Ride with GPS Routes
- Bicycle Storage: Bicycles can be store on the porch or inside.
- Food: No hot breakfast provided. There is a coffee bar with coffee, breakfast bars, and waters.
There is a guest book with local restaurants and a grocery store within walking distance. - Laundry: There is a laundry mat within walking distance.
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The Porter House at Raymond is located 3 miles from the Natchez Trace Parkway in Raymond, Mississippi at 233 N. Oak Street.
- Exit the Natchez Trace Parkway at milepost 79 onto Mississippi Highway 467 and travel 2.5 miles south to Raymond.
- When you enter Raymond, highway 467 becomes Main Street.
- Turn left on Oak Street (Hinds County Courthouse will be on your right).
- Just past the intersection with Court Street you will see The Porter House on the left and up a hill. Look for the "Porter House" sign.
Click on these links for detailed routes:
- Natchez Trace exit (milepost 79) to The Porter House at Raymond
The Porter House at Raymond to Natchez Trace entrance (milepost 79) - Natchez Trace Parkway Ridgeland - Jackson - Clinton - Raymond, MS area
between the US Highway 51 intersection (milepost 102) to the MS Highway 27 intersection (milepost 66):
north to south - south to north - Chisha Foka Multi-Use Trail
Paved walking/biking path paralleling the Parkway:
east to west - west to east
If you organize and share your routes with Ride With GPS "Collections" we have these routes grouped into a "Ridgeland - Jackson - Clinton - Raymond, MS area Collection" - click here.
Route Overview Map: