Hurricane Creek is located on the Natchez Trace Parkway at milepost 164.3.

Hiking Trail A short (less than half a mile) loop nature trail follows a creek bed. Interpretive signs along the trail describe foliage and trees.

Hurricane Creek - Natchez Trace Parkway
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Plants need water much as men need money. Some are satisfied with little, some cannot flourish unless they have a lot. The majority can live contentedly with medium amounts. From here a trail descends to the vegetation that thrives in the wet bottom land along Hurricane Creek. The path winds upward among plants growing in soil of medium dampness and on to the top of a dry hill before returning here. The differences in vegetation are due largely to the varying water content of the soil.
Hurricane Creek Photo Gallery
More info about Hurricane Creek and similar sites.
  • Click for a Location Map
  • Latitude: 33.0824666
    Longitude: -89.525833
    Elevation (approximate): 410 feet
    Milepost: 164.3
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