May 31, 2017 - The bridge over Little Swan Creek at milepost 386 just north of the Meriwether Lewis site in Tennessee is now open!

The detour from Hwy 20 (milepost 385.9) to US 412 (milepost 391) has been taken down. Travelers can now drive thru on the parkway. No more 16 mile detour!

Little Swan Creek Bridge
The new Little Swan Creek Bridge at milepost 387.

November 2015 - Natchez Trace Parkway officials announce that the Little Swan Bridge at milepost 385.9 in Lewis County, TN will be replaced, and a detour will be implemented for motorized and non-motorized traffic (including bicycles).  The closure/detour began on November 2, 2015, with the anticipated completion in late spring of 2017.

Traffic will be detoured from milepost 385.9 to 391.1. The length of the detour is approximately 15.7 miles. The detour will add a net 10.5 miles. Directional signage has been placed along the detour route for travelers.

Northbound traffic will be directed off of the Parkway at milepost 385.9 onto TN 20 east for 5.8 miles.  The detour will then turn left (north) onto Big Swan Creek Road for 6.42 miles.  The final leg of the detour will be a left (west) on TN 99/US 412 for 2.9 miles and then back onto the Parkway at milepost 391.1.

Southbound traffic will be directed off of the Parkway at milepost 391.1 onto TN 99/US 412 east for 2.9 miles.  The detour will then turn right (south) onto Big Swan Creek Road for 6.42 miles.  The final leg of the detour will be to turn right (west) on TN 20 for 5.8 miles and then back onto the Parkway at milepost 385.9.

Drivers: please be aware that cyclists will be traveling on the detour as well.

US 412 is a four lane highway but there is a wide shoulder for bicycles on each side of the road from the Trace to Big Swan Creek Road.
Big Swan Creek Road is a lightly traveled road (most of the traffic will be from the detour). No shoulder though. There is one big hill - uphill when going north to south. 
TN Hwy 20 has moderate travel. There is a 2 foot wide shoulder on both sides of the road. There are two markets on the detour on Hwy 20 - Andrew's Circle 6 Market and Yoder's Homestead Market.

The innkeepers at Fall Hollow B&B can shuttle cyclists (for a fee) around the detour.

Little Swan Creek Road Closure

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